I opened blogger to write a blog but didn't have anything to write. That's when I stumbled upon this excllent article Communal truth, secular lies by Kanchan Gupta. So often it has been repeated that communal violence in Gujarat was 'the worst in modern Indian history' that everyone (in India and abroad) has come to believe it. So it's imperative for everyone to know the facts; facts that are conviniently left unmentioned. Let me put a few sentences for the article as bullet points:
* 254 Hindus and 790 Muslims were killed in the post-Godhra riots in Gujarat
* These figures are not reflected in the propagandist pronouncements of those who claim to champion the cause of India's Muslims.
* More often than not we come across claims of 'thousands of Muslims butchered by Hindu fanatics in Narendra Modi's Gujarat.' This is a lie that has been repeated ad nauseam.
* It has been repeated the most by India's Marxists who subscribe to the Goebbelsian tactic of repeating a lie till in the popular perception it comes to be identified as the truth.
* The anti-Sikh pogrom that followed Indira Gandhi's assassination is not even talked about any more: More than 4,000 Sikhs were murdered

All will agree that no man should ever be killed, neither a Muslim, nor a Hindu, nor belonging to any other religion. Unfortunately in India, lives of Hindus (or Sikhs) have no value. Attacks on Hindus are not reported by the media, while attacks on Muslims are exaggerated a thousand times. If you say that the latter is okay, it's not!

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