Top link on Google - a pleasant surprise!

To be displayed among top three links on a Google search - isn't that something! If you search "Chicago snaps" on Google images, the top three images displayed are from my blogsite!

A few days back I noticed that my blog is getting increasing number of hits from Chicago. That piqued me. I wondered whether it was due to new friends I made on my visit to Chicago in April. But I wasn't convinced. Then I speculated whether Google is directing people from Chicago to my site. That sounded intriguing. I scrolled down my blog to see what could be causing it. When saw my blog entry on April 12th, titled Some Chicago Snaps, it clicked. Immediately, I opened another tab and searched for "Chicago snaps" on Google. Bang! Right there, I could see that the top 3 images were from my blogsite!

Quote for the day

Champions aren’t made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill.
- Muhammad Ali