This does not forebode good for our country

"Its [Maharashtra government's] five-year record in office was, by universal reckoning, pathetic. Short of communal riots, everything that could go wrong went wrong for it. For the Opposition, the anti-incumbency cocktail was heady and perfect. There was drought, farmer suicides, financial profligacy, indifferent development and high-profile corruption involving important Ministers".
Read more in BJP must retreat, introspect on

"I am worried that a trend is setting in India where ability to govern and ability to get elected are getting disconnected. There is a mis-match between governance and electability. Good governance is not yielding you votes or poor governance is not influencing the other way", Arun Jaitley in Defeat stuns BJP's Delhi HQ on
I bought a new toy!
A Sony DSC W1 digital camera. So all those who have been complaining that I haven't written much about Korea, can now see it here in pictures.