Old Man and the Sea

Today I saw movie Old Man and the Sea, which is based on a novel by Ernest Hemingway by the same name. I had read the book during my MBA days. Old Man and the Sea is a story of courage and persistence of an old man, who was once the greatest fisherman in his small Cuban town. Hemingway describes poignantly the old man's three-day long battle against a 1,500 pound marlin. Although wounded, exhausted and hungry, Santiago finally conquers the giant fish, only to lose it to a group of sharks the next day.

The message of the movie is captured in Satiango's summation of this ordeal, when he confesses to Manolin that "it was sad to see it destroyed ... ", and then with a sense of satisfiction, "but not defeated!". It's amazing story of hope, courage, persistence and dignity. It's a must-read for everybody. It's no wonder that the book brought the Nobel Prize to its author.

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