Finally resolved issue with synchronizing gmail Contacts with my Android phone

I finally figured out the link between my Nexus S mobile phone contacts and my gmail contacts. Ever since I synced my cell phone and my gmail contacts, I had been bewildered by disappearing contacts! I would create and save a contact on my cell phone, and it would just disappear. I wouldn't show up on my contacts after I saved it. I was miffed at the way Contacts app on my cell phone was behaving. I had to open my gmail contacts on my computer and the Contacts on my cell phone, and check them side-by-side to finally figure out the link. Whatever contacts I add to my cell phone get saved to "My Contacts" contact list in gmail. So to make cell phone Contacts app work correctly, I have to display "My Contacts" contact list on my cell phone. That setting can be done from Contacts -> Display Options -> Gmail account -> My Contacts menu path.

It was a huge relief to resolve the problem with Contacts function on my Android phone. This was the only issue with my otherwise lovely phone that was bothering me.