While browsing the past, swept away by Korea

I was reading random entires on my own blog. I was surprise at how many interesting thoughts I had scribbled over time. I felt inspired and moved, until I read Twenty most memorable experiences of Korea trip. And then I was overwhelmed with emotions - of nostalgia, awe, tenderness and something indescribably warm! It almost moistened my eyes. I could read no more. After the Golden Years of my life, the six months I spent in Korea are probably the most memorables time of my life. Even in these times, when inspiration has gone into an unending hibernation, images of my days in Korea stirred me to emotion.

I our mind, every place we stay gets associated with some feelings. With Ipswich, it's joy and beauty, with Pune it's activity and fun. With Korea, it's indescribable awe and warmth. If I ever want to fall in love with myself, I will think of Korea!!

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