Here's an interesting incident that occurred a couple of weeks back. One Thursday over coffee, I showed my friends my gold wedding ring and told them how careless I am about it, and how I misplace it at home all the time. I narrated a couple incidents about it, and we had some good laugh. The next day in office, I noticed that I wasn't wearing my ring. "I have forgotten my ring at home as usual."
The next morning I searched for my ring at the usual places. However, I couldn't find it. I asked Poornima to look for it and she couldn't find it either. Under normal circumstances, I would have let it go. However, we had scheduled an appointment for carpet cleaning that day. That worried me. If the ring were lying somewhere on the carpet, it might get sucked in by the vacuum. Or if the cleaner spotted it somewhere, he would quietly pocket it. I didn't want that to happen. So I searched all over the house for the ring. However, I could find it nowhere. Disappointed, I gave up, hoping that the carpet cleaner doesn't notice it lying somewhere on the carpet.
A few hours later, the carpet cleaner knocked at the door and asked permission to enter. As he entered the house he said, "There is a gold ring over there". "Where?", I asked. I was stunned when he showed me the ring. The gold ring was sitting delicately on the railing of the staircase! I had left it outside the house for more than 24 hours! I don't recall when and why I kept my wedding ring on the staircase! What was I thinking when I removed the ring from my finger and kept it there? To this date, I have no clue! I was lucky to get it back. It was a real eye-opener on how careless I can be.
It was also an eye-opener for one more reason. I had assumed that if the carpet cleaner spotted the gold ring, he would steal it. What actually happened was to the contrary! The ring was outside the house. He could have picked it up even before he knocked the door and no one would have never ever known. I realized how wrong we can be about people! How easily we assume that other people are dishonest! How ready are we to doubt everybody else's character! We take for granted that everyone wants to pull a fast one on us. Events like these remind us that there is still honesty and humanity still left in the world.
How I got my ring back
Posted by
Jayprakash Acharya
Friday, December 25, 2009
Wedding ring
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