Topsy-turvy world!
My previous post surely deserves something in a lighter vein. So I am thinking what would it be if everything in the world were exactly opposite to the way it exists.
Like, what if everybody woke up when we are going to sleep, and went to sleep when we are waking up in the morning?
Like, what if everybody drove on the wrong side of the road?
Like, what if kids behaved in a more matured manner than matured people?
Like, what if people divorced, only to marry again?
Like, what if the candidate who gets fewer votes overall became the president of the country?
Like, what if the free press is just free to brainwash people?
Like, what if there were wars in which only one side participated, using destructive weapons to destroy non-existent weapons of a non-existent army?

The more we think, the more it sounds like we are talking of America!!

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