On Courage

When I changed the template of my blog, I used a new feature provided by blogger. It allows you to add any content to the blog page from a set of applications. I have added displaying quotes at the end of the page. I don't always scroll down to the end of the page to see the quote. Sometimes I do, like today. And I came across this interesting quote by Mark Twain:

It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare.

Well, now that reminds me of one of my favourite quotes of all time, which I have pasted on this blog before:

Courage is the price life exacts for granting peace
Amelia Earhart

Anand's Seattle visit

Anand, Mansi & Rishabh visited us last weekend. We had a great time. Unfortunately, it rained and we had to cancel our plan to visit Mount Rainier.

It was during this visit that I came to of Anand's newfound(?) hobby of photography. He told me about his blogsite and his site on flickr. Check out his extraordinary shots. I have posted one here (without his permission - Anand, leave a comment if you want me to remove it!)

A very good read ...

I have been updating links to news reports and articles related to EVM manipulations in my post that I wrote on 2nd August. However this article by independent columnist Coomi Kapoor is too good to be buried among a list of links. So I am posting a separate link here for greater visibility.

Do read and let me know what you think. That's very important, because democracy is about what we, ordinary (or extra-ordinary!) Indians think.

Ciao! Take care.